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How to have a perfectly pet-friendly move

| September 23, 2022

Planning a move can bring with it a lot of questions and worries. But if you have a pet you’re moving house with, that can create extra concerns and queries too.

But have no fear. As a Leeds removals company with over 100 years of experience, we have plenty of advice around how to keep things as stress-free as possible for your beloved animal companion. Whether it’s finned, furred, feathered or scaled!

  1. Pre-move try to stick to routines. Pets might be unsettled seeing things packed up and in boxes and will pick up on any anxiety in the household. Try and keep to their routine as much as possible so they don’t feel too out of sorts. Ditto once you get to the new house – stick to feeding and exercise routines if possible.
  2. Arrange for your own transportation of the pet itself. We won’t be able to move a living creature in the removal van, so consider how you will logistically get your pet from your old home to new and if required buy a suitable carry case. Smaller pets such as birds and hamsters can find moving stressful, so try and keep movement to a minimum and if you think they’d prefer it and won’t overheat, you could cover their carrying cage.
  3. Flag any specialist equipment. If you have specialist equipment for the animal which will need transportation, for example a large cage or tank, discuss this with your removal company in advance so they can come up with a plan to ensure its safe handling. Looking for trusted Yorkshire removals?
  4. On move day consider some outside help. Ideally, for something like a dog or cat which isn’t kept in a cage, we’d recommend you have your pet out of the way on move day. Could family or friends help or a kennel or cattery? It will be stressful for them seeing people coming in and out and they may try and make a bolt for it through an open door. For any pet which needs to remain on site, keep them in one closed off and empty room until they’re ready to be transported and make sure your removals team know not to enter it. Keep checking in on them regularly.
  5. Keep their most needed items somewhere easy to access. Keep food, feeding equipment, medicines and toys/bedding somewhere easy to access so you can get to them quickly at the new house.
  6. Focus on getting them settled. Keep items near by which will be of comfort, such as bedding, and don’t immediately wash them so the smell remains familiar in the new property. For an animal which will go outside, take your time. Dogs should be walked on a lead and allowed to explore the garden if it’s safe to do so. For cats you may also want to consider a lead to take them outside to begin with – and perhaps keep them in for a few days until they are more familiar with the property.
  7. Be patient and reassuring. Your pet may be unsettled and want extra reassurance and cuddles. Although you’ll no doubt be busy unpacking, take the time to make sure they know things are ok.
  8. Ensure they’re microchipped. This only really applies if there’s a risk your pet might escape or get lost, but make sure they’re microchipped so if they do go walkabouts at either end you can be reunited. Make sure your new address is registered with the microchipping company.
  9. Register them with a local vet. It’s a good idea to get them registered with a local vet as soon as you can. If they’re struggling to settle post-move, they might also be able to help with anxiety aids such as pheromone sprays or diffusers.

Looking for a removals company Leeds? We’ve been operating in the city and beyond for over a century and we’re happy to help with any of your removals needs. Just get in touch to find out more.

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